
Do I need a Speaker Agreement?

A Speaker Agreement (also sometimes called a Speaker Engagement Agreement, Live Speaker Agreement, Speaking Agreement for Event, Event Speaker Agreement, or Agreement for Speaker at Event) is a document through which two parties come together to form a contract for speaking services at an event. The two parties are called the speaker (the party who is doing the actual speaking) and the event host (who is hosting the event where the speaker will be). Speaking Engagement Agreements are very common for both big and small events.

This type of agreement can be used for a speaker giving a speech at a large event, like a conference, or even for a speaker giving a talk at a small event, like a meeting of just a few people.

This Speaker Agreement contains provisions regarding:

  • details of the event the speaker’s services will be used;
  • the contractual obligations of the speaker to the company when delivering their service;
  • the compensation that will be paid in exchange for the speaker’s service;
  •  intellectual property governing whether the host will gain any rights to use the speaker’s materials and/or recordings of the event;
  • the limitation of liability and indemnities to protect both parties’ interests; and
  • the cancellation/termination procedures.

Become a Strand Sahara member for just £35 a month to access our Speaker Agreement and many more agreements and templates for your business. Find out more here: Standard Membership

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